Treating everything from headaches to hair loss
Our Online GP's can help with most common medical conditions.
Need to speak to a GP?
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Health information you can trust
Aches & Pains. Don’t let life’s niggles wear you down
Allergies. Protect your peace-of-mind
Coughs & Colds. Nasty colds & everything in-between
Ear Nose and Throat. Whatever it is, we’ve got you covered
Eye Problems. We treat a number of eye-related conditions
Infections. See how to spot an infection early
Mental Health. We're here to help
Nose and Throat.
Other Health Guides.
Fatigue is the main health issue for 5-7% of people attending primary care (seeing their GP).
Smoking Cessation
Smoking cessation is a programme of treatment and support to help you stop smoking.
Sexual Health. It happens to the best of us
Skin Problems. Whatever it is, we can support you
Acne Signs and Symptoms
Acne is a very common condition that causes spots, oily skin and inflammation
Rash Health Guide coming soon!
There are a few things we can’t help with:
Controlled drug prescriptions, which encompass a range of treatments including strong pain relief, anxiety, depression and sleep medications
Medical form, Certificate of health, fitness assessment, or letter confirming illness or medical condition
For Prescription Weight Loss treatments see our dedicated service -
Located outside the UK at the time of your appointment - we cannot consult or treat patients who are physically outside the UK.
Repeat prescriptions
Referral for a specific test or specific scan - alternative services are available to self refer
Ongoing care of conditions or act as your regular / main GP - this includes treatments that require ongoing monitoring and review
Severe chest pain or suspected heart attack
Neurological defects or seizures
Sudden or heavy bleeding
NHS referrals or prescriptions
Covid testing or observation, and covid test certificates
Dental Treatments or Advice
Severe sudden onset of pain
Severe mental health issues (such as psychosis or suicidal thoughts)
Pregnancy-related complications
Major trauma on any part of the body, including head and neck injuries
Fever for more than 3 days associated with confusion or disorientation
Suspected stroke (slurred speech, facial droop, arm weakness)
Sudden onset of difficulty in breathing
Persistent breathlessness including asthma attacks
Patients on chemotherapy with suspected neutropenia
Translation services - all appointments and documentation are available in the English language only